Does Anyone Else Have Extreme Sensitivity To Temperature, Smells, And Hearing?
Yeah I know, I've got a barrel full of issues that doesn't stop
I had the smells and hearing sensitivity before, but they are like on steroids now. The temperature is new. I've got Raynauds on hands from years ago almost freezing them. But now it's my whole body not adjusting to hotter or colder temps much at all. I'm talking a 5-10 degree difference, which is nothing in MI, right
How can I override my nose, I literally can smell peoples exhaust and tell some types from others, and what kind… read more
Tina-I had Raynaud’s primarily effecting basically the hands and feet. It could be so intense. Two winters ago, I took my son’s dog to the dog park. During that time I got so cold my hands, feet, and nose went white to blue. I was in tears and had to ask someone to help me walk, leash the dog and start my car. My extremities went back to doing their normal raynaud’s thing. However my nose has not. It is so hard to deal with. I did not even know until then it could affect your nose. So, 🥸 word of advise is, to protect your nose as well as you do your feet and hands. Every time my nose gets cold it is a painful and a big deal now. Even the to smell candles in a shop, or air fresheners will trigger it. I put those stick on hand warmers in a mask and wear it if I am going to be out in the elements very long. Now the sense of smell that is a conundrum. I do notice that my daughter with allergies has a very heightened sense of smell. I am not sure of my problem.
Tina-That is exactly my story well minus the railway container. Total temperature dis regulation. I now have so much pain in my nose if I smell strong odors,
They use Vicks under their noses in the morgue. I wear masks with sandalwood oil on them. I am very sensitive to smells. Some times I want to warn strangers of an illness, I can smell, when they are next to me. Years of being a nurse has given me some special abilities, lol. One time I froze my nose and hands and it triggered the Raynaud’s I have in the worst way. Now, both cold and odors trigger face pain. I wear a mask all winter and fall in our great Michigan state. It keeps Raynauds at bay, and blocks odors, which helps with both nausea and sanity.
Hi. I haven’t noticed an uptick in smell sensitivity, but I have recently developed tinnitus, which is very annoying!
So sorry UR experiencing another health issue on top of the many UR already dealing with
On crime shows they use some sort of nasal plugs I assume have some chemical on them 2 stop the terrible smells they encounter @ some crime scenes Maybe the drug store could recommend a good alternative 2 put on cotton balls 4 U 2 use? It must B awful having those senses heightened 2 that level I guess earplugs might help but probably get uncomfortable after a while PN & its side affects ie other comorbidities- that most of us seem 2 also B dealing with is why it is such a mysterious mystery rare disease which influences so many other parts of our bodily systems So weird
Take care as best U can my dear
Our weather here has cooled off nicely in the past couple of weeks thankfully I love the fall & love the long sleeves & sweaters scenario
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