Has Anyone Had The Feeling Of Worms Or Bugs Crawling Around Under The Skin?
I'm not sure if I have a parasite infection or what, but I hurt constantly. It feels like I have bugs crawling around under my skin all over my body. I have little black spots on my body and I use tweezers to try to get them out because they itch or hurt. I have and so has my husband and my friends have seen little black flies coming out of my skin. Has anyone else had this happen?
Ok, U guys ..Wow..U are not alone..I wish I could say 3 years.It has been far longer ...I have dealt with thoughts of a parasite,flies,Morgellons, etc..Yes,biting,crawling..not as much itchi g but extreme sensitivity.Somebody said it.Killing off good and bad bacteria..I did bleaching,fasting, Collodial Silver,parasiye cleanse,D.E...I did take Ivermectin and I thought it helped but I cant be sure? What I have learned is some of those sensations are nerve related.I know picking and over examination doesn't help.It is important to feel validated and Ive yet to find a derm that really gets it.I am just trying to stay the coarse and accept my neurosis but also medical reality.There are reasons for creepy crawly.But parasites are also VERY HARD to catch...Most docs in the US are not equipped to handle the diagnosis.If it doesnt fit into a certajn category they cannot detect it.So many factors impact a correct diagnosis.Hang in there..your not crazy,u just need more supportive info.Fk em if they dont get u...
If that is actually the case, and you do have something visisble..It is a secondary condition, likely caused by
open skin lesions that have been infected. If you have been in a lake or fresh water this summer, you definately
want to mention it to your doctor. And what helps me feel clean is the Dermoblast Antiseptic Sray. It works
Great..And also has a pain reliever!
Absolutely not! This is the kind of thing that will break you mentally. You do not have bugs under your skin..although
at times it will feel like it! My best advice for you, Throw away all of your tweezers! never have them in your home again! Ive been down that road, and it will cause more horrible symptoms and infections. Take cool showers, and after
I use an antiseptic Spray so Im not rubbing anything into my clean skin. The sores are always going to look like
there's something in them..But its mind over matter! And theres nothing in your skin! ok...you can do this!
I brush hair off of me a dozen times a day. I would say 3 out of 5 times, there isn't a hair there. My skin is so sensitive.
Oh my … I hope you are good … yeah I thought the same thing … before I was diagnosed I had bird mites there was a birds nest next to my AC … fuckin pigeons … I hate them .. they so dirty AF
I didn’t even know … and u wanna know something funny… my husband sleeps next to the window and they didn’t attack him… they choose a host and it was me … like wow … really and I used that cream ..premithium cream idk how it’s spelled but I get what I’m saying….
That fucked up my skin…and I was dealing with itch which was PN but didn’t get diagnosed until nov of 2022
You really need to see a dermo asap… so they can take samples and tell you what it really is
Good luck and keep us posted
First, How's Everyone Today?
Is It Normal To Feel Like Your Skin Is Crawling.
Does PN Feel Differently Depending On The Stage That It's In?