Does Anyone Have Experience With Demadex Mites As A Possible Causation?
Hi Renee
I have been diagnosed with PN but I wanted to add to your statement, I have read what you have said but wanted to say that mine do not itch mine hurt and I am not picking or scratching at them and they just pop up , like my mouth for instance I never had any there and now I do and you can’t scratch or pick at the inside your cheek . So just wanted to add just in case others have it like me where it don’t itch it just hurts .
Let’s all just hope we all find our own way to help us feel better . And then we can all share what we find and maybe bring a smile to this crazy condition.
Hi Renee here I would like to begin by writing about PN .This is not a disease, it is a condition caused by constant picking of the skin til it bleeds causing lesions, the more we pick the more It bleeds thé constants picking doesn’t let the lesions heal so this open lesions hurt and burn, Every time we pick we remove one layer of skin causing more irritation and exposing the next layer of skin, you see we have 6 layers of skin till you reach nerve endings by all this picking the skin cells go crazy trying to heal by making a tough dry layer of skin protecting the body from infection so hopefully I have been able to explain this condition. It is caused from constant picking, scratching and not letting our poor skin heal it is a constant battle of over reacting cells trying to heal the lesion sometimes forming a rough flaky circular Nodularis or bump so if we could stop scratching Our bodies would heal itself , Anxiety,allergies are the triggers that why it has a ipsychological and environment beginning …Regads Renee
It is definitely not Demadex mites
Where Does This Actually Come From? Could It Be Connected With A Virus Of Any Kind. I Mean Really!
Does Anyone Have Healing & Recurring Nodularis?
I Am Intrigued By The "spraying The Nodules With Bleach Idea." How Much Bleach/water And What Happens To The Nodules When Sprayed?