Anyone Find Relief From Cerave' Anti Itch Cream?
1 pound jar
I do get some relief
Not really any substantial itch relief but it leaves a slight residue on the skin which comes off in your nails when you scratch. Doesn't moisturize like the original Cerave'.
Have any of you tried creams that the main active ingredient is lidocaine, and a second ingredient of menthol or camphor? That is my biggest relief at night. It ain't perfect for sure but I can at least breath and rest. For me it's a mess bc my original is on my scalp, but I'll pay the price of greasy looking hair at night when my husband's already asleep. I'm fortunate, he had been great through this. It's me that is so self conscious. I mean an aging woman already, and now this and it's affecting my hair so much. But lidocaine and menthol in a type of cream(CVS even has a generic) esp at night has been helpful.
And a gel pack along with a rotating fan on a cool setting
Yes I get relief too… especially after a cool
Shower …
Has Anyone Used Eucerin?? If So Does It Give Any Relief
Anyone Know Any Good Moisturizer That I Can Purchase That’s Safe To Use? Any Help Or Suggestions Is Greatly Appreciated.
If Anyone Asks, Karen A. Is Having A Bad Day! I Rarely, If Ever Post This Emotion, But The Last 2 Weeks, My Nodules Have Decided To Appear!