What Kind Of Soap That I Can Use? That Wouldnt Irritate My Skin. Any Suggestions?
I use a rotation of African Black Shea Butter bar soap, Ivory soap (once in awhile, but it dries skin out too much now), and then I use Fels Naptha bar soap (it is used for many things, and I had to google it to find it as I had never heard of, but it is an old soap used for things from washing clothes/stains, to use for poison ivy), and it actually does a good job when I'm in a flair without drying me out alot.
I cannot use the Dove bar and others that dermotologist has offered, as the extra ingredients cause my flair to be a full-blown horror!
hi faqrul, ive seen many on here recommend a soap with tea tree oil. so i picked up a bottle of shampoo, one conditioner, and a liquid body wash. ive only used them once so far but i am hopeful.
To avoid irritating your skin, consider the following suggestions:
- Use mild soap: Opt for a mild soap or avoid soap altogether.
- Fragrance-free and dye-free products: These are less likely to cause irritation.
- Sensitive skin products: Choose products specifically designed for sensitive skin.
Additionally, using warm Show Full Answer
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