I Wonder Why It Appears Symmetrical?
My lesions are in clusters. As soon as one closes and heals a new one opens in a very close proximity, millimeters to centimeters. I have one circular cluster on my hip that’s had 6-7 lesions form in that circular pattern. My dermatologist recently said the current open one looks like shingles. I agree that there is nerve involvement that determines where these lesions form. ~ Marina
My breakouts are always in some sort of pattern. I have a family member who is a RN.
She said my breakouts are following nerve lines. It made total sense
Has Any Notice That Your Sore Come Back In The Same Spots Mine Seem To Heal And Then A Few Months Go By And They Are Back . Any Thoughts?
My PN Just Suddenly Appeared Out Of Nowhere And I Was Not A Itcher/scratcher, So It Appears I Amnot In The Norm For Developing This Disease
Purigo Is Said That What Happens On One Side Will Happen On The Other. Have Most Of You Found This To Be True?