Hi Ladies I Have Had All Of Your Above Symptom, And Find The Symptoms Horrible. I Don't Itch Or Dig At My Skin, It Is Frustrating. Mar.
I use equate hydrocortisone cream with purple label. It helps the itching and also helps heal. It has worked for me.
I have actually gone past caring I wear short sleeves helps my arms breath the only place I hate getting them is my face which is starting to get misshaped from the giant nodules on either side of my mouth I'm starting to look like a hamster I usually just smile at people who stare and say ain't you lucky your not allergic to yourself oh in my next life my skin be like yours 😂😂😂 people don't know what to say after that
PN is nothing nice.. I think I felt 'well broke in' when I didn't scratch like I had fleas, and started to get-over the looks of people looking at my skin. It still hurts that anyone can have that power over me, because of a disease I didn't do anything to get. This site, with all of you, is my blessing!
Tina your welcome it's a lonely disease as we are few between to meet up and chat tbh I'm sick of other people getting attention for the smallest aliments that now I'm playing I'm sick to get up and get on with it cup cakes my sympathy is for myself now and you guys as first time in my life others actually know and get me with this PN
@A MyPrurigoTeam Member that is Perfect!!! I have also grown to saying things of similar value... They have no idea, because we don't look 'normal', and when something of not normal 'value' comes their way, ... "WELL... " As my mama used to say...
Thank you so very much for your real chats, thoughts, and information.
Purigo Is Said That What Happens On One Side Will Happen On The Other. Have Most Of You Found This To Be True?
Why Is PN Listed As An Itchy Disease For 'pickers'?
I Have Several Big Sores. I Don't Like Opening Them But Do Any Of You Have Experience With Them? Will They Go Away By Themselves?