How Does It Affect Vaginal Area, I Had A Biposey There The Itch Is A Horror An I HaveMM
Does it affect the myloma?
Birdy626 how much bleach do you put in a bleach bath?
My skin has changed much for the better due to bleach baths. They help heal those that have broken open and they seem to be helping reduce the number of new ones. I hesitated thinking bleach, really, but now I can't wait to take them. And my skin feels very soft after. go figure. But, my husband recently had a headwould and the wound care professionals that bandaged it mixed a poltice that had some bleach in it to get rid of bacteria, so it is a thing.
I have itching there kind before being diagnosed with PN. I asked my gynecologist about it and she said she could prescribe a topical but that didn't help. What I find Help is coconut oil. I have a jar in the bathroom and it seems to Sue and stop it for a while. Also from a company called" honeypot "I got an anti-itch cream that really helps too.
Geri2. I don’t know because I haven’t had your experience. My heart goes out to you, you have a full plate. Have you tried vaginal yeast cream? Of course the cream does not help PN or MM, but sometime the stress and medications can cause a yeast infection in addition to everything else. Please let us know your results and how you are?❤️
Does Anyone Have Multiple Hard White Bumps In Spot That Was A Healed Lesion?
Purigo Is Said That What Happens On One Side Will Happen On The Other. Have Most Of You Found This To Be True?
I Am Now Hypersensitive To Anything Floating In The Air If It Lands On My Skin. I Also Can Feel Web-like Strands On The Surface Of The Skin