Does Anyone Know Why It Seems To Affect Women More Than Men?
It may be genetics, not sure, but women and african american women in particular is the largest demographic. I also believe men are less worried about their skin health and may not report it. I believe I had it years before I was diagnosed, as I had what my doctor called Biker Bumps on my scalp neck line, he said from wearing a bandana, it was not until lesions covered my legs did I see a physician. Women tend to have longer nails as well and use nail polish which harbors bacteria. Women tend to have more exposed arm and leg skin allowing more unconscious picking and scratching as well as using more skin care products that may cause chemical irritation.I dont wear shorts as much any more as I have tendency to pick more at exposed legs or wear tight clothing or scratchy sweaters. I live in Yoga pants, which are a loose non irritating shield from scratching. I also keep my finger and toe nails very short.
Mitch, I do not fit any of that, other than being a female. I'm American with blood from many lines which are white, I drove a semi truck for many years, which made fingernails mostly obsolete, I now garden & such which keeps my nails gone or short. I've only put nail polish on a few times in my entire life, which came off in a few days. Makeup I stopped wearing at a young teenager as my friend got scared from it (being in sun) and I broke out from it.
My point is that there are basic lines of information, but we don't all fit the ones listed.
I, being the tom boy as a child, was a little offended by your thought of women and why.
I do believe I've had PN for all or most of my life, it just didn't come out until later. I had all kinds of sores from bites and such as a child that didn't heal as most people would have.
Personally, I'm concerned with how people have one or more major 'other" disease or cancer, and their relationship, how & why..?
Mitchell I want to thank you for your answer I was not offended at all so thank you for replying to my question🙂
Mitch thank you, and I know you add a lot of great help and information to many of us, me included. I just wanted you to know that we are not all thrown into one basket, male, female, etc. I have been many places and done many things. However, I have not been able to wear makeup, most lotions, and many soaps have always irritated my skin. I don't fit many of the molds, except being female and now over 50.
I want you to know that I value most everything you add with your vast knowledge.
So thank you for continuing to add to our knowledge.
Why Does It Appear That Only Females Predominately Get This Horrible Disease???
My Question Is Where Are All The Men In This Awful Disease Are They Just Shy Or Does It Affect Women Mostly?
I Have Several Big Sores. I Don't Like Opening Them But Do Any Of You Have Experience With Them? Will They Go Away By Themselves?