Is It Possible To Have Purified Internally?
I’m confident that if it’s external it’s internal too
Thank you for clarifying, as I was really stumped! My auto correct gets me in to more edits than ever!
So, it is connected with neuro and blood, as well as in some families generation to the next, but not to all. It has connections with things like cancer and other lovelies. My point is that there does not seam to be any actual rules for Prurigo Nodularis. As for how it looks, feels, and may act inside, I do not have an answer. I know many of us have digestive and many other issues, female issues, for some vague ones, but how it works as a PN thing, I have no answer, other than PN is cruel!
Oh silly autocorrect. Prurigo
Purified? I'm sorry, I don't understand.
How To Sleep More Then One Or Two Hrs With Purified Nodularis
Is It Ever Possible To Recover From Prurigo Nodularis
I Have Had Elevated Alk Phospate Levels Consistently, For A Couple Of Years Now..Is This A Possible Cause Or Contributer?