Has Anyone On My Prurigo Team From The UK Sourced Treatment Privately From A Dermatologist? Was It Worth The Cost? Thanks.
My GP is undecided whether I have PN or excema or both.
Dear Martyn
Luckily here in Canada specialist are covered under our health plan
Sorry the doctor is still unsure of a diagnosis My family doctor had no idea what this was - never encountered it B4.Lucky he referred me to s good dermatologist and she immediately did a biopsy and confirmed it was PN
Now at least my family doctor has been made aware of it for future reference-patients.
I also have had psoriasis for 25 years and it is different than PN in that it is scaly white itchy patches mostly just in elbows knees and shins tho some people can get psoriasis anywhere My dad had psoriasis just in his scalp like dandruff but back in the day they didnt have prescription meds for it -so hereditary sometimes as I inherited the gene
Stress is what brought the psoriasis on in 1995 after my father passed and in my case I think stress may have caused this PN to develop as well as I've had s lot of stressful life events in the past few years and as well the immune system that reacts badly to stress
but the psoriasis is no where near the randomness and scale of itchiness or scarring of PN
I think eczema is more of patchy reditchy areas -common in children as well.
Hope you can get to the bottom of it one way or the other
Take care
Wising you luck on your skin journey
I know it is very frustrating and stressful
❤️ keeping you in my thoughts
I cant say prayers because I'm not really a religious person
I Would Love To Have Someone Explain This Awful Breaking Out. Know One Will Tell Me It’s Like They Don’t Know I Need Help
How Was Your Purigo Diagnosed?
I Was Just Told It's Going To Cost $1,100 A Month For Dupixent.