Does Anyone Have Pn On Their Scalp? What Do U Use For The Itch And Pain?
I found out from the dermatologist that picking the nodules increases the risk for infection and increased the length of time for the nodules to shrink. It also encourages the development of more nodules.
Yes, prurigo nodularis (PN) can affect the scalp, causing intense itchiness and pain. Here are some treatments and approaches that may help:
### Treatments for Itchy Scalp with PN
- Corticosteroids: Topical or intralesional (injected directly into a skin lesion).
- Immunosuppressants: To reduce immune response.
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I have had 3 Prurigo sites on my scalp. They stayed their a long time, mostly my fault as I am a "picker". My dermatologist started freezing them every month and they quit itching and went away only leaving a bump where each one had been.
I have had 3 Prurigo sites on my scalp. They stayed their a long time, mostly my fault as I am a "picker". My dermatologist started freezing them every month and they quit itching and went away only leaving a bump where each one had been.
Does Anyone Have Pn On Their Scalp? What Do U Use For The Itch And Pain?
Does Anyone Else Have This On There Scalp?
Does Anyone Have Multiple Hard White Bumps In Spot That Was A Healed Lesion?