What Are The Best Way To Reduce Inflamation
Prurigo nodularis, psoriasis, arthritis
I use Jukebox soap, Lubriderm extra dry skin lotion or Excedrin. Head and Shoulders Bare shampoo. Blue Turtle sunscreen.
Anti-, inflammatory medications either over the counter or prescribed. (OTC ibuprofen, naproxen), Steroidal topical ointments like Clobetasol or tricinimalone (prescription)
To reduce inflammation associated with prurigo nodularis, consider the following approaches:
1. Dietary Changes
- Avoid inflammatory foods like white flour, gluten, nightshade vegetables (tomatoes, eggplant, potatoes, and peppers), dairy, alcohol, and junk food.
- Reduce intake of refined carbohydrates, sugary Show Full Answer
Has Anyone Had Success With Reduction Of Prurigo Nodularis From PHOTOTHERAPY?
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