Can These Sometimes Be Misconstrued As A Wart Possibly...
Very few doctors know what it is. You need a dermatologist who is aware of this terrible curse. Have a wonderful week.
Yes it can. When I first went to the dermatologist, I had three nodules on my scalp and she was treating it as though it were warts. It was later after doing a biopsy that it came back PN.
Yes, I was told so many things before diagnosed.
Yes, prurigo nodularis (PN) lesions can sometimes be misconstrued as other skin conditions, including warts. Here are some key points to help differentiate:
- PN Lesions
- May appear as dome-shaped nodules with an indent in the center.
- Can be pink, red, brown, black, or the color of your skin.
- Often associated Show Full Answer
The doctors don't have a clue when they look at it. I was told scabies, self mutilation. Biopsy!
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