Does Anyone Have A Phobia That Triggers The Itch? I Have Tripophobia, And If I See Anything With Hole Patterns Or Clusters My Itch Is Worse.
I have a problem being around people. I am sure the anxiety makes it worse. God bless you 🙏
I noticed that today.
Aisha ~ I had never heard of trypophobia, I had to look it up. I'm sorry you have been blessed with that, too! I 'get lost' in some patterns, but not in the way trypophobia is described, I can't imagine the grief and he!! that must be for you. 🫂
Purigo Is Said That What Happens On One Side Will Happen On The Other. Have Most Of You Found This To Be True?
I'm Sad Because My Mother Is In The Hospital!! Plus,do You Have Any Ideas On What I Can Put On My Hands And Arms? That's Where The Itchiness
Have Very Itchy Lumps In My Hair, What Can I Use To Calm Them