I Think The Last Flare Was Triggered By Dairy, Which Tests Have Shown A Moderate Intolerance To.
After reading milk was more hydrating than water,I would drink 2 8oz a day . Now I only use Oat Milk in cereal and that's it. Energy Drinks are also bad for PN.
It's possible that dairy could be a trigger for your prurigo nodularis (PN) symptoms, especially if you have a moderate intolerance. Here are some steps you can take:
- Avoid Dairy Products: Consider eliminating dairy from your diet to see if your symptoms improve
- Monitor Symptoms: Keep a food diary to track what you Show Full Answer
Understand that. I had ulcers years ago. But almond has not bothered me so far. But I don't drink a lot of it daily either.
I Replaced my Dariy with Oat Milk. I avoided Almond since it gave a friend ulcers.
Many have had issues with dairy, including myself, so I have used alternatives and aliminated cows milk and use almond milk (I had to try several brands to find one that I was ok with the tase, I like cows milk).
Keeping a food diary may help to direct what triggers your system.
Has Anyone Suffering From PN Asked There Dermatologist About Taking The Dupixent Shot Every Week. Instead Of Every Other Week?
Anyone Been Tested For Celiac Disease? Same Symptoms.
Do Any Of You Notice Certain Foods Trigger It Off? The Doctors Say No.