Does Anyone Have Black/ Brown Sharp Things That Come Out Of Your Nodules And Open Wounds? If I Don’t Get Them Out It Hurts More!
Ohh my goodness! I haven’t met anyone else with that symptom! I’m in Houston tx and the doctors here kept gaslighting me and saying I was crazy when I would try to tell them! Yes, I get those all over.
It’s a nightmare! I feel like a pepper shaker is following me around everywhere. I had one dermatologist tell me they were dried up blood vessels! 🤣😂🤣 I don’t think so!!!
Jan I get those too, both open lesions with the silo or shard of glass as it feels to me. Yes, if I don't get them out then every time anything touches it, it is a ping to the nerves and pain!
With my first flare up on my scalp I saved some of these in alcohol and examined them under magnification. They were brown and hard as a seed and definitely didn't dissolve like dried blood would. The teardrop shape seemed to have two tiny roots at the bottom corners as anchors. I am hesitant to dig them out now because I think they may be hair follicles and not as noticeable to me in 2nd flare up. At the risk of sounding crazy, the way these lesions respond to pressure
etc. reminds me of something out of a science fiction movie like Aliens😱
Mine said I was burning myself with cigarettes for over 10yr terrible
Anyone Know Any Good Moisturizer That I Can Purchase That’s Safe To Use? Any Help Or Suggestions Is Greatly Appreciated.
Do Any Of You Have A Secret About These Sores That Go Way Down?
Has Anyone Ever Been Told Why This Stinging? I Can Be Just Sitting And Zing.