What’s Your Trick For Enjoying Holiday Treats And Staying On Track? 🎃
I don't know if it's helping but lately I've been drinking Boost for 2 meals. I'm losing some weight. Maybe that's keeping me from eating foods that irritate PN.
I did the anti-inflammatory diet for years. I did the Swank diet for years. I denied myself every simple pleasure. One day I said enough. And, guess what M.S., RA, PN, and Raynaud’s are unchanged. There is no difference. All things in moderation even moderation. I have a little bit of everything I want.
So for i ca n eat everything nothing seems to both me
I do enjoy Halloween treats. I try to limit intake to dark chocolate.
Good for you! Life it too short to deprive ourselves of what little pleasures we have in this life. I used to be really obese. That isn't good but I got a handle on that and now I pretty much eat what I want just not very much of it.
Have Anyone Try Natural Path For PN? I Wonder If Help
Anyone Else Experienced The Benefits Of Tai Chi, Yoga, QiGong Etc. To Reduce Stress Which Often Triggers / Worsens NP ?
If Anyone Asks, Karen A. Is Having A Bad Day! I Rarely, If Ever Post This Emotion, But The Last 2 Weeks, My Nodules Have Decided To Appear!