Anyone Struggling With PN AND Gallbladder Or IBS Issues Post Cholecystectomy? The Two Might Be Related!
I just found out folks who have blocked bile ducts and/or folks who have had their gallbladder removed "typically" struggle with pruritus (itching) and skin problems (ie: acne) from either a blocked bile duct or too much bile dumping into their colon that cannot be reabsorbed (causing diarrhea and bowel issues). There is a medication (Cholestyramine) that binds the bile acid/salt and reduces symptoms related to bowel issues, pruritus and skin problems. My advice is if you have both… read more
I had my gall bladder removed a couple months ago. The PN has been getting worse by the week.
Gastroenterologist told me last week and again yesterday dysfunctional gallbladders or lack of them causes skin problems and unstoppable itching.
I had a cholecystectomy 11 yrs before the first symptoms of PN. Not many people know that gallstone formation increase after gallbladder removal so U can still have stone attacks, but for sure the bile which are produced by the liver cells will no longer be stored in the gallbladder (since its gone) and the bile will be drained to the small intestine 24/7 instead of at the time of a meal so there will be bile all the time in the gut. Bile is known to have bile acid in it, and bile acids are known to produce itch, for exampel in inflammatory bile duct disease. Maybe cholestyramine (Ursofalk), which binds bile acids can help to decrease the itching. This was a very interesting comment, Wendy from Spokane. It would be interesting to see how many of the patients in the "My prurigoTeam" who has had the gallbladder removed before PN appeared. We should do a study ! Next week I´m going to have my bloodtests done INCLUDING serum bile acids, and if the slightest above normal i will start with cholestyramine.
Wow, when I had mine out they didn't say diddly. No changes in anything. Amazing the different kind of assistance and care we can get.
My mom was living on imodium but no specific diagnosis until! She had had her gall bladder out and I came home one day to her in the hospital seriously ill. Scar tissue had slowly wrapped itself around her intestines. I asked if it shows on an mri, no specific answer but ask! We almost lost her!
I Have Severe Energy Loss Along With The Pn.bouts Of Feeling Really Hot And Like Head And Face Are On Fire Usually At Night.any Thoughts?
My Dermatologist Wants Me To Go See A Pain Management Doctor. Said I Was In Pain Because This Is A Nerve Related Issue. What Do You Think?
Can People Using DUPIXENT For Prurigo Nodularis Please Share Experience With It?