Does Everyone Know That The Makers Of Nemluvio WANT You To Have Access To It? I Am Taking It At No Cost For Two Years! Call Your Doctor!
I want to encourage everyone to tell your doctor that you want to try Nemluvio. My insurance won’t cover it because it is so new but they want it made available to PN sufferers
It is insanely expensive — more than $8600 where I get prescriptions. BUT, they did the paperwork at my doctor’s office and I am going to be able to take it for two years at NO charge
It is a monthly injection. I did my second one today. They send it in the mail.
My skin is not clear but it’s better!
Call… read more
The price is unbelievable! I hope that you are able to get in the program.
Yes, if your doctor approves it there is the Patient Assistance Program w/Galdema, then if the necessary paperwork is filled out by your doctor & yourself then most likely you will receive it at the no cost. I do my second injection this Friday and hoping I will see more improvement w/it as time goes on. It is worth a try to see if will give you some much-needed relief from this dreadful disease.
Thanks for sharing just got go for it I have tried everything
I'm Mary Lou in Toronto 🍁
Yes this nasty PN is a trial & error process unfortunately Like whack a mole game the doctors try 2 hit the nodules etc with one medication- cream pills or injections but unfortunately nothing really seems to really help according 2 almost everyone in this wonderful support group as we R all dealing with & experiencing its awful itching painful embarrassing rare horrible terrible on- going never ending symtoms
Its definitely a mysterious mystery disease for sure that definitely needs more research into 2 even find out what actually causes it in the first place & eventually hopefully a miracle prescription that works 4 all of us & any future patients
Take care
Bye 4 now
Nemluvio (nemolizumab-ilto) is a biologic drug approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for the treatment of adults with prurigo nodularis, a chronic skin condition characterized by intensely itchy nodules. Here are some key points about Nemluvio:
- Mechanism: It works by blocking the activity of IL-31, a Show Full Answer
I Would Love To Have Someone Explain This Awful Breaking Out. Know One Will Tell Me It’s Like They Don’t Know I Need Help
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