I See These Been Diagnosed With Pn. I Am So Interested To Know How You Were Diagnosed.
I have been given two biopsies, both non specific. The dermatologist said pn, no blood work. By sight? I want more than that.
Thank you! I changed family doctors this week. I am anemic severally. What next but slows healing!
After going thru everything possible, a lot of trials of what might help, biopsy, and visual with magnifier at all stages. They did not get a positive on the first biopsy, the second did.
During which, each time I go to my Dermo, they put they 'treated' whatever that day, like atopic excema, sometimes actually putting Prurigo Nodularis in the paperwork.
Amen! Hugs to all!
Hang in there my dear as that's all we can really do
Wish I could give U a big hug in person so will send one virtually Slso a big huge hug 2 our wonderful amazing supportive Ambassador @ Tina
Bless you! I am exhausted going to doctors and having changed pcp, have a list a mile long. She is trying to find out why I am so anemic. OK but wish I could just drop the body off.
Curious To Know How Many That Have Been Diagnosed W/PN, Have Also Been Diagnosed W/LSC (Lichen Simplex Chronicus) Too?
Has Anyone Had The Feeling Of Worms Or Bugs Crawling Around Under The Skin?
Does Anyone Have Multiple Hard White Bumps In Spot That Was A Healed Lesion?