How Many Believe Some Vaccines Caused Your Pn And/or Heredity Played A Part Into Their Skin Issues Or Even Both?
I fully believe mine was a result of the ineffective Zostavax for Shingles, & my mom had some skin issues which 1 was Psoriasis. I believe mine was the ineffective vaccine as it was given after the beginning stages of my Shingles on my left lower back 16 yrs ago. Then almost 1 month to the date of vaccine I experienced the most horrible mosquito bite ever & told by the Derma who administered it barely looked at it & blurted out Eczema which the so-called Eczema spread. When I broke out… read more
I don't think it was caused by the vaccine since I had some sores long before covid. I do think I picked up a virus in my late 20s that the covid caused my immune system to lose effect. I have a doctor relative that has told me the number of people getting sores, rashes since covid and the vaccine is huge. We are just not being told. A nurse told me the same.
After the second Covid vaccine I start getting these little red bumps that itch like crazy and I started scratching them and they made big sores. When I went to the nurse practitioner she diagnosed me as picking which is the same as cutting she said and sent me to Mental Health. This went on for a year with mental health meds with the PN getting worse. I finally asked for a referral to dermatology and the dermatologist diagnosed me right away and said it was a rare disease until Covid. I did more research and found that it definitely was linked to the second vaccine. I am not taking any more of those vaccines.
I know for me after I took the vaccine shot for Covid 19 after my second shot, I started itching and my skin was getting so dry,,, and then the numbs started forming… I didn’t know what it was … I thought their was bug bites.
And since then it been a struggle … I regret even taking that damm shot.
Unless they were my childhood vaccines the answer is no for me. PN predates my vaccines.
In my case, I didn't have any side effects or concerns following all of the vaccines. Thank goodness for that! Everyone responds differently though. I try my best to follow the doctor's recommendations. Having Sjogren's disease as well as other comorbidities, makes the journey challenging. I try not to dwell on the negatives because I feel better when I think of the positives. Happy Holidays!
Which Covid Vaccine/booster Did You Get?
I Was Just Curious Why We All Seem To Be Diagnosed Within The Last Couple Years. Has Anyone Had PN For A Longer Time Like Maybe 10 Or 20 Yea
Are U Afraid Of Taking Vaccines Due To Your PN? I´m Taking Varicella Zoster Vaccin 2 Morrow Before Starting JAK1-inhibitor For PN. Should I?