When You Are Getting PN On A New Part Of Your Body That Hasn’t Been Bothered Before, What Do You Feel Prior To The Nodules Forming?
I have burning and stinging on my face and back. It is red. I haven’t touched the areas. I just have a weird feeling. I was hoping for maybe a light case of hives, but thinking not.😇 Oh, it itches too.
Tina-Thank you for your thoughtful reply. I think I will give it a try. I decided I would observe your journey before I tried Nemluvio. I value your opinions to medicine, the medical community, and PN. We are our own doctors. I appreciate the time and energy you dedicate to this community. OK, I will make that call. Thank you.
Thank you everyone. I have had the same areas affected for so long. I could not remember or even know when they started, The ones on my scalp never heal, they just go bad to worse, worse to bad. Well the redness and itching and pain that I was talking about started yesterday morning and today there they were. A place they have never been before. My hand is so swollen. And my face!!
Thank you all for your help. You are the best. I went and got the recommended supplies and will just do what we do best, cope.
Tina-Would you mind telling me what Nemiuvio has done for you? Good and bad? Or, if you have already written it then tell me where to look? I am so tired. I just want to know if I can do the side effects right now. Lol, maybe I just want to take it vicariously through you until I go get my own.
I begin itching. As soon as I feel intense itching, I treat that itchy spot.
When I get new areas of breakout, the nodules com before any other symptoms. No warnings nor any clue that it is spreading. One discovery I made just today to help with itching, burning, and pain is Benedryl itch stopping gel. It's about $10 per tube, but it's definitely, dramatically effective!
Is anything recommended in the time preceding the outbreak?
Whay Are You Using To Bathe Soap, Water, Shampoo And What Soothes Open Wounds?
Anyone Know Any Good Moisturizer That I Can Purchase That’s Safe To Use? Any Help Or Suggestions Is Greatly Appreciated.
Does Anyone Have Multiple Hard White Bumps In Spot That Was A Healed Lesion?