I Just Had My First Shots. What Can I Expect Now ?
I think you need to monitor the appearance of your lesions and other symptoms such as the itching. Also be on the look out for side effects. I hope your treatment is successful.
Yes, monitor, journal what you see & feel can help too. Also any differences in heat/cold, what you put on your skin may change too. You can have areas that act/react differently.
I didn’t really notice anything after the first shots. After about the 6th I noticed some improvement in the discomfort but not the nodules. It was pretty short lived for me. But it sure helps others.
I will add that I did not notice any side effects, until down the road a few months and then it effected my vision. I knew when I stopped taking it that it was the Dupixent for sure.
If you’ve just had your first COVID-19 vaccine shots and have prurigo nodularis, it’s important to monitor how you feel. Common side effects include soreness at the injection site, fatigue, or mild flu-like symptoms, which usually resolve in a few days. If you're on immune-suppressing treatments, your response to the Show Full Answer
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