I’m Supposed To Be Taking Dupixient And It Cost So Much…lowest I’ve Found Is $3,900 For 1 Month! Who Can Afford That??? Not Me! What To Do?
I would recommend following the appeal process of your insurance company. In most states, there is a limitation period, so do this as soon as possible. Also, you will need medical documentation of your diagnosis. Ask if you or the insurance company needs to provide that information. Pictures always help.
Have you contacted Dupixient MyWay? They may have a program that can be of help to you. You can reach them at (Phone number can only be seen by the question and answer creators), option 1. Or you can text the word CONTACT to 69929.
I have insurance through my employer, but I would still have a $1500/month copay without the help of the Dupixent MyWay program. I have a zero copay now.
Go to dupixent.com. they have been huge help for me
Me also from company
My copay was $1500 a shot. My dermatologist had me talk to Kroger Speciality Pharmacy and they got me the Dupixent application. I applied through Dupixent and qualified for free shots. I am retired so my income is less.
I Was Just Told It's Going To Cost $1,100 A Month For Dupixent.
I Would Love To Have Someone Explain This Awful Breaking Out. Know One Will Tell Me It’s Like They Don’t Know I Need Help
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