I’ve Had To Have 2 Hip Replacements Due To The 1st One Falling Apart. Checking Me For Cobolt Toxins It’s Now Showing High At 92..dangerous?
Just wondering if this could cause PN? Metals floating around in your body can’t be good. The first time. They checked me it was 3. They checked me this past December and it said HIGH 92.
And of course Dr.s don’t say anything they are just wanting to focus on getting my left hip replaced. Just wondering if this might possibly be a cause of my skin problems?
Good question. There has been a lot of us with surgeries that PN showing up. Also with many other diseases, conditions, cancers... It's like it has to have play mates to torture us with.
Connieskutnik. I am so sorry. It sucks!! I know it doesn’t help but you are an absolutely adorable girl. We can just hope and pray something comes along and you can get back out there and enjoy life again.
Idk,I don't have any other medical conditions
Never had any surgeries other then tonsils amd wisdom teeth out. I was 💯 healthy and happy ,then this happened. I don't have friends no more and don't wear cute clothes.
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