Has Anyone Else Gotten Eczema After Using Nemluvio? How Are You Treating The Eczema?
Although I had high hopes for Nemluvio, it didn't work for me. Unfortunately, after taking my starter dose and first regular dose of Nemluvio, I now have eczema spots on my body (and itching). I have stopped using the drug. Now, I am trying to figure out how to get rid of the dry eczema spots on my body. Has anyone else experienced this? If so, what are you using to treat your eczema?
I know they say to stop scratching/picking, but i don't scatch until that pink bump pops up, so my questions is whyvthe bump appears in the first place. Something is causing that. Dr's. Think we do this to ourselves and I beg to differ. Something underlying is going on and they just can't figure it out.
Eczema is a known side effect of Nemluvio (nemolizumab-ilto). To manage eczema, topical treatments like corticosteroids, calcineurin inhibitors (e.g., tacrolimus or pimecrolimus), or vitamin D analogs may help reduce inflammation and itching. Moisturizers can also soothe dry spots. It's essential to consult your doctor for Show Full Answer
Guys!!! got nemluvio! They qualified me! I guess since my blue cross wouldn't! So thankful! They sent them really fast! So far my body feels like cooler and I think it's helps not to feel so itchy. I'll find out it clears up more soon!
@A MyPrurigoTeam Member That is how most of us heard of PN, thru long routes, many Drs & tests, as well as a lot of shame like we did something to do this. It just is. There is not a proof positive of why or how, but here it is. Most of us have similar backgrounds in health, spine/nerve issues, cancer, and other different issues.
This is the place where we are not alone, and where many of us have learned more about PN, what to do or try, what not to do. Not everyone is the same.
The Resources tab has a lot of information, and all of us here are world wide, and share what has helped and what has not.
I'm glad you're here with us! 🫂
My dermatologist told me there's nothing they can due for my condition and sent me off. So I have been using creams, sleeves, and trying to control this myself.
Anyone Use Nimolizumab? Any Thoughts On Its Use?
Have Anyone Try Natural Path For PN? I Wonder If Help
We Need To Know What We All Have In Common In Order To Actually Deal With This Disease. .. Not Just Cover It Up With Drugs Or Other Methods?